Welcome to Miers Court Primary School. We have much to be proud of at our school and the website offers just a tiny glimpse of life at our school.
We are a happy two form entry Primary and are proud of our reputation as a friendly and caring place where our children are encouraged to be the very best they can in all aspects of school life. Our children have a strong voice here; from our School Council to our House Captains, pupil leadership is highly valued and there are lots of opportunities for children to contribute to our school community.
Studybugs for Parents and Carers
A better, safer way to report when your child is sick and off school. With a few quick taps or clicks, you can give your child’s school all they need to record absence due to illness.
Our children have a strong voice here; from our School Council to our House Captains, pupil leadership is highly valued and there are lots of opportunities for children to contribute to our school community.
At Miers Court Primary School we believe in promoting a lifelong love of learning for everyone. We believe that creating inspirational experiences will foster independence and build self-belief allowing learners to constantly grow.
24/03/29 00:00:0029 Mar 2024
Year 5 had a visit from an actual rocket scientist! Dr James Beck has worked in the space industry for 20 years, first t...
24/03/15 00:00:0015 Mar 2024
There was a wonderful buzz throughout the school, as Book Week came to Miers Court this term. Watching the children enga...
24/03/14 00:00:0014 Mar 2024
Thursday 14th March was a momentous day for the Year 3 children. They came in full of excitement and looked brilliant in...
24/01/15 00:00:0015 Jan 2024
"On the 15th of January the Miers Court choir travelled to the O2 Arena and joined 8,537 children to become the You...
Thank you to everyone who has brought their empty sweet and chocolate tubs to school to be recycled. Mrs Mead kindly transported over 100 tubs last weekend! The final day for tubs to be brought into school is Friday 14th February. All funds made from recycling the plastic will go towards helping people who are living with cancer.
There were numbers and maths all over the school today as children and staff dressed up and celebrated Number Day in support of the NSPCC. Children took part in many maths activities including code cracking, quizzes, TTRS, designing maths t shirts and much more! Well done Miers Court for all the effort and support for such an important charity.
Although they missed out on the fun of Number Day today, Mrs Bradley, Mrs Ferguson, Miss Munns and Mrs Doherty attended Team-Teach training at The Howard School. Team-Teach promotes a whole school holistic approach to behaviour management. It equips educators with evidence-based de-escalation techniques that can apply to a wide range of scenarios and behaviours. Miers Court are committed to continuous professional development, ensuring our children are being supported by skilled staff, using strategies which are regularly under review and based on thorough research. A big thank you to Claire and Gary for their honest and inspiring training, involving both theory and practical based learning.
Year 1 have recently embarked on their Curious Quest adventure which is the next stage on from Drawing Club in Year R. The children's enthusiasm for writing has been amazing and they have produced some fantastic pieces of work! They are thoroughly enjoying this approach to Literacy and we can't wait to see what else they are capable of!