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Our most important community links are those that we develop between our school, our pupils and their parents. We consider ourselves to be fortunate that we have many parents who volunteer to help with many activities in school. Parents are involved in the work of the school community in various ways.

Many parents assist in practical ways in the classroom, especially with swimming, and accompany the teacher on class visits. Valued help has been given by parents in many ways, and parents interested in undertaking voluntary activities are invited to discuss the matter with the Principal. Parents are asked to read and sign our Home School Agreement when their child starts school.

Miers Court is lucky to have a very active PTFA team or “CHOMPS” which meets regularly and organises fundraising and social events. The Christmas Bazaar and Summer Fayre have fantastic annual attendance, from children and parents both past and present, and are supported by popular discos and film nights for the children throughout the year. Every parent is automatically a member of the Association and has the chance to vote and be nominated for the committee at the AGM each year. If you wish to know your representatives, a current list is held in the school office.

We also have close links within our local community. We are committed to supporting our local food bank through the collection we make during our Harvest celebrations, and are pleased to welcome the vicar from our local church who delivers assemblies for us. Our school council identify the charities that they would like the school to support, and there are so many occasions throughout the year when we feel an enormous sense of pride about our community.