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Local Academy Board

Miers Court Primary School's Local Academy Board is committed to ensuring that all pupils at Miers Court Primary School achieve their full potential. The members of the Local Academy Board meet on a regular basis to challenge, support and monitor the school's performance.

The Local Academy Board of Miers Court Primary School

  • Sue Champan (Head of School)
  • Gill Marshall (Trust Appointed - Chair of Governors)
  • Zoe Sindrey (Trust Appointed - Vice-Chair of Governors)
  • Emma Bowie (Parent)
  • Samuel Lewis (Parent)
  • Michelle Munns (Staff)

Terms of Reference for our Local Academy Board can be found here.

Contact Details:
Post: Chair of Governors, Miers Court Primary School, Silverspot Close, Rainham, Kent, ME8 8JR
Telephone: The School Office on 01634 388943

Governing Body Composition

The constitution for the Local Academy Board is:

Head of School, up to 2 parent governors, up to 2 staff governors and up to 5 co-opted governors. The quorum shall be 3 governors or, where greater, any one-third (rounded up) of the total number of governors of the LAB.

If you are interested in becoming a governor at Miers Court Primary School, please contact Sarah Hart via the school office.

Scheme of Delegated Authority - Annex 3 Non-sponsored.pdf


Diversity Indicators

A link to our 2023-2024 THAT Governance Diversity Indicators can be found here.


The Local Academy Board will meet at least 3 times a year and otherwise as required. Members of the Local Academy Board will have at least seven clear days' notice of the meeting and its agenda, except in the case of an emergency meeting. The agenda and minutes will be produced by the Clerk to Governors and made available to all members of the Local Academy Board via GovernorHub.

A copy of the minutes, apart from confidential items, will be available in the school office for inspection by parents/carers and staff.

Name Relevant Business & Pecuniary interests, including Governance roles in other Education Institutions  Attendance record at meetings for the academic year ('22-'23)
Sue Chapman (Head of School)
Appointed: 01/09/2019
None Declared 3 of 3
Gill Marshall (Trust Appointed)
Appointed: 09/05/2023

Medway Foundation Trust 
Member - Royal College of Nursing 

1 of 3
Zoey Sindrey (Trust Appointed)
Appointed: 22/05/2022
Employed – Sainsbury's  3 of 3
Emma Bowie (Parent)
Appointed: 10/02/2022

Qualified accountant working as a trading accountant for Aqualisa Ltd 
Member: CIMA

2 of 3
Samuel Lewis (Parent)
Appointed: 28/01/2022
Self-Employed/freelance Independent Drama therapist who might work with children in other schools in the Trust
Member - HCPC (Health and Care Professions Council)

Provide one-to-one therapy with a pupil who attends the school with an outside organisation and sessions do not take place at school. Network Meetings for this pupil which include members of the school staff team. All meetings regarding this pupil are private and confidential.
3 of 3
Michelle Munns (Staff)
Appointed: 10/02/2022
None Declared 3 of 3
Owen McColgan (Accounting Officer/CEO THAT)
Appointed: September 2020

Inspiring Change MAT
(Member from 12/12/2018)
Medway Academy of Performing Arts
(Partner from 03/01/2020)
Featherby Infants & Junior School
(Governor from 08/09/2020)
Ofsted Inspector


Past Governors

Dawn Cork (Trust Appointed)
Appointed: 31/07/2021
Resigned: 21/07/2023
Director - Chattenden Holdings
Membership - NMC
2 of 3

Last Updated: 30th January 2024

About our Governors

Introduction from Gill Marshall - Chair of LAB

My name is Gill Marshall and I volunteer as a governor for Miers Court Primary School. I am employed by Medway Foundation Trust as a children's community nurse and, as a member of the local community, I have made a long-term commitment to Miers Court Primary School by volunteering as a governor for 16 years, and being Chair for 8 years. During this time, I have sat on other school governing bodies and worked with and appointed several Headteachers, taken part in Ofsted inspections and supported the transition of Miers Court to become an academy. I continue to enjoy my role as a school governor and feel the experience I have gained enables me to advise and support the hardworking Miers Court staff team.

There are seven other governors, including staff who work at Miers Court, parents of children at the school and other individuals with a range of professional backgrounds. Together we form Miers Court's Local Academy Board (LAB) and we are a strong and committed team. Our role as a Local Academy Board is a strategic one; we do not get involved with running the school on a day-to-day basis, however we ensure that the school's leadership team has everything in place to enable all children at Miers Court to feel safe and to make progress in their learning.

The Local Academy Board help to set the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school ensuring parents are engaged and all statutory duties are met. We hold the Head of School and the senior leadership team to account by challenging, supporting and monitoring teaching, achievement, behaviour and the safety of the children. We contribute to the school's self-evaluation and improvement plan and monitor the staff's adherence to this plan. Governors also monitor the school's finances by discussing the budget at meetings; this includes the expenditure of pupil premium.

The LAB meet at least 6 times a year to ensure we work closely with the school. We visit the school regularly to talk to the staff and children and we also plan visits with a specific focus to enable us to scrutinise a specific area in greater depth.

As Chair of the Local Academy Board I also sit on the Regional Governing Board. All Chairs of Local Academy Boards from The Howard School Trust sit on the Regional Board. The Board provides another layer of governance which holds the senior leaders from the Trust to account and enables members to share good practice.

Introduction from Sue Chapman - Head of School

As Headteacher, I automatically become a member of the Local Academy Board. Holding meetings and working alongside the elected Governors is a privilege. Our Governors give their time and use their skills wisely to support, challenge and improve the lives of all of the children and staff at Miers Court Primary School.

Introduction from Zoe Sindrey - Parent Governor

My name is Zoë Sindrey and I have been a parent at Miers Court since 2010. I have three children and two of my children still attend Miers Court. I work part time in a local supermarket as the hours fit nicely around my children. I have helped out on the PTFA since 2010 and during this time, have seen how some of the daily activities take place within the school. A vacancy for a parent governor became available so I applied for it and I was successful so I became a parent governor in 2016. I was interested and intrigued to find out what the position entailed. I currently specialise in the EYFS area of the school. I find my role very rewarding and before I became a parent governor did not realise what goes into the daily running of the school.