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Thursday 14th March was a momentous day for the Year 3 children. They came in full of excitement and looked brilliant in their Roman Day outfits. We had soldiers, gods and goddesses ready for an amazing day.

The children started by creating their shields in the morning, attaching the handle, and painting them using the designs they created for homework. While they were drying, the children then created amazing mosaics in the classroom. In the afternoon, the children had a taste of Roman food. We had some interesting faces when the children were trying foods such as olives, figs, flatbread, grapes and honey.

The day all led to the main event in the afternoon: the Roman battle! The children were so excited and were marching through the school and playground, screaming their battle cries. The children practised their battle formations before taking part in the battle between the classes. We finished the day by looking at some amazing chariots built by some of the children! Overall, the day was a brilliant success, and as always, the children’s enthusiasm and behaviour made the day even better.