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Welcome to Year 3!

In Year 3, we have two classes: Kingfisher Class and Puffin class.

Please click on the links below to see what we have been up to lately in Kingfisher and Puffin Class.

Social Story

Each year, we create a Social Story for our individual year groups. The aim of the Social Story is to help children become accustomed to their change in environment as they progress upwards through the school. It outlines how their classroom will look, who their teachers are, and how the school day may look. Our Year 3 social story can be found here:

Welcome to Year 3










Our Learning

Baking Bread

To link with our topic of Romans and Egyptians, the children had the opportunity to bake their own bread to experience what people back in that period had to do. The children assisted with adding the ingredients to a bowl and kept track of time during the kneading process. After the dough had time to rest, the children could choose the ingredients for their break roll. This included cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, herbs, and olives. Finally, after the rolls had some time in the oven, the children took them home. We hope you enjoyed your bread rolls!

Our flowers

This term in science, we have been learning about flowers. We have started to label the different parts of the flower and learn about what each aspect does. The children enjoyed deconstructing a flower and labelling it in our lesson. Well done to all of the children.

Roman Day

Thursday 14th March was a momentous day for the Year 3 children. The children came in full of excitement and looked brilliant in their Roman-day outfits. We had soldiers, gods, and goddesses ready for an amazing day. The children started by creating their shields in the morning, attaching the handle, and painting them. While they were drying, the children then created amazing mosaics in the classroom. In the afternoon, the children had a taste of Roman food. We had some interesting faces when the children were trying foods such as olives, figs, flatbread, grapes, and honey. The day all led to the main event in the afternoon: the Roman battle!! The children were so excited and were marching through the school and playground, screaming their battle cries. The children practised their battle formations before taking part in the battle between the classes. We finished the day by looking at some amazing chariots built by some of the children! Overall, the day was a brilliant success, and as always, the children’s enthusiasm and behaviour made the day even better. We took lots of photos throughout the day, please see our gallery on the website for more.


Book Week

The children have had a very busy but amazing book week this week. Lots of brilliant activities organised by the brilliant Mrs. Kavanagh and Mrs. Papandrea which were all based around our focus book, 'Wild'. The children started the week off with a bang by taking part in some 'Wild' themed dancing choreographed by Mrs. Ridley and Miss Ridley, which they thoroughly enjoyed. Later on in the week, the children go to share their favourite book with Y5. It was lovely to see the children so passionate about their reading. The week led up to the main event on Thursday, World Book Day. The children all looked fantastic in their costumes. Some children also took part in the reading 'book buddy' with some lovely designs and book swap, where children could bring in an old book to swap with another person. It has been such an enjoyable week, and the children's behaviour was brilliant!

Tsunami experiment

The children in Year 3 finished off our amazing topic of 'what makes the earth shake' by carrying out a tsunami experiment. To start, the children coloured half of a house and connected it to their partner to create a 3D house. Then they got themselves into groups and filled half of a tray with newspapers. Following that, they compressed sand to create a bank. Finally, the children got to test the outcome of a tsunami by pushing waves of water onto the bank to see what would happen.


Number Day

Year 3 really enjoyed taking part in NSPCC Numbers Day! They dressed up in clothing that involved numbers and took part in the trust wide TTRS competition which they loved



The children worked really hard to create some amazing volcanoes. They started the week with a bottle and a box. They taped the bottle in place, then the children moved onto paper mache, which they formed into a volcano shape, proceeded to paint, and finally exploded! The children worked so hard throughout the week and really took care of what they were producing.


Structure of the Earth Homework

We were so impressed with the variety and the amount of effort put into the homework this week. The children had begun studying the topic of 'tremors' and learning about the structure of the earth. For homework, we challenged the children to recall what they had covered in the lesson. Some lovely diagrams were created, and some beautiful sculptures were made. Well done to the children, and thank you to the parents for engaging with the homework.


Maths-3D shapes

This week the children have been reminding themselves of their shape knowledge! We started with the focus on 2D shapes and then moved onto 3D shapes. The children really enjoyed making some 3D shapes using lolly pop sticks and playdough. Afterwards, the children then labelled the features of 3D shapes.


Language Day

During Language Day, Year 3 discovered that lots of the children spoke different languages at home. We initially focussed on Tamil and learnt some phrases like hello, thank you and goodbye. We also looked at Rangoli patterns and the children made their own as a group. We then created a language profile and the children coloured their bodies to show either a language they speak, or languages spoken at home. Year 3 ended their day sharing phrases from other languages in the class like Polish, Welsh and Irish.


Robot and Rock Star Day

The children had an amazing morning dressed as either a rock star or a robot. The children all looked amazing and put so much effort into their costumes. The children really enjoyed playing times tables rock stars on the computers. They even challenged the teachers to a battle!! 

Well done to everyone for joining in and to see some more pictures, please see the Year 3 Gallery.


Structure of the Earth Homework

We were so impressed with the variety and the amount of effort put into the homework this week. The children had begun studying the topic of 'tremors' and learning about the structure of the earth. For homework, we challenged the children to recall what they had covered in the lesson. Some lovely diagrams were created, and some beautiful sculptures were made. Well done to the children, and thank you to the parents for engaging with the homework.


Maths-3D shapes

This week the children have been reminding themselves of their shape knowledge! We started with the focus on 2D shapes and then moved onto 3D shapes. The children really enjoyed making some 3D shapes using lolly pop sticks and playdough. Afterwards, the children then labelled the features of 3D shapes.


Language Day

During Language Day, Year 3 discovered that lots of the children spoke different languages at home. We initially focussed on Tamil and learnt some phrases like hello, thank you and goodbye. We also looked at Rangoli patterns and the children made their own as a group. We then created a language profile and the children coloured their bodies to show either a language they speak, or languages spoken at home. Year 3 ended their day sharing phrases from other languages in the class like Polish, Welsh and Irish.


Robot and Rock Star Day

The children had an amazing morning dressed as either a rock star or a robot. The children all looked amazing and put so much effort into their costumes. The children really enjoyed playing times tables rock stars on the computers. They even challenged the teachers to a battle!! 

Well done to everyone for joining in and to see some more pictures, please see the Year 3 Gallery.


Structure of the Earth Homework

We were so impressed with the variety and the amount of effort put into the homework this week. The children had begun studying the topic of 'tremors' and learning about the structure of the earth. For homework, we challenged the children to recall what they had covered in the lesson. Some lovely diagrams were created, and some beautiful sculptures were made. Well done to the children, and thank you to the parents for engaging with the homework.


Maths-3D shapes

This week the children have been reminding themselves of their shape knowledge! We started with the focus on 2D shapes and then moved onto 3D shapes. The children really enjoyed making some 3D shapes using lolly pop sticks and playdough. Afterwards, the children then labelled the features of 3D shapes.


Language Day

During Language Day, Year 3 discovered that lots of the children spoke different languages at home. We initially focussed on Tamil and learnt some phrases like hello, thank you and goodbye. We also looked at Rangoli patterns and the children made their own as a group. We then created a language profile and the children coloured their bodies to show either a language they speak, or languages spoken at home. Year 3 ended their day sharing phrases from other languages in the class like Polish, Welsh and Irish.


Robot and Rock Star Day

The children had an amazing morning dressed as either a rock star or a robot. The children all looked amazing and put so much effort into their costumes. The children really enjoyed playing times tables rock stars on the computers. They even challenged the teachers to a battle!! 

Well done to everyone for joining in and to see some more pictures, please see the Year 3 Gallery.


Archaeological Dig!

This week in history, the children had loads of fun learning about archaeologists. The children had a try at becoming archaeologists themselves. They used paint brushes to gently brush the sand to find a variety of different objects under the sand. Great job, everyone!

Our first week back

The children had an amazing first week in Year 3. They came in and settled in very quickly. The children really enjoyed their work on the transition book 'In Our Hands and created some lovely message in a bottle work based on the book. In science, we are learning about light and dark. The children explored the shadows on the playground and made some lanterns using paper cups. Well done to all of the children for a great first week back. See the Gallery for more pictures!






Useful Links

Below, you can find a number of useful links to help support your child's learning:

Useful Links

  • BBC Bitesize: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/primary 
    This website covers a variety of curriculum subjects and topics and all different types of activities, from games to video clips. Just select the correct Key Stage (2) and you can search for the topics you're interested in. 
  • Times Table Rockstarshttps://play.ttrockstars.com/
    Don't forget to practise your times tables (and division facts). You should all have a log in card to access your own area. Enjoy!
  • English and Maths games: https://www.ictgames.com/
  • Curriculum games and teaching and learning resources: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/

Year 3 News