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Welcome to Year 6!

In Year 6, we have two classes: Pegasus Class and Phoenix Class.

Please click on the links below to see what we have been up to lately in Pegasus and Phoenix Class. 

Social Story

Each year, we create a social story for our individual year groups. The aim of the Social Story is to help children become accustomed to their change in environment as they progress through the school. It outlines how their classroom will look, who their teachers are, and how the school day may look. Our Year 6 social story can be found here:


Term 1 Knowledge Mat

Term 2 Knowledge Mat

Term 3 Knowledge Mat

Term 4 Knowledge Mat

Term 5 Knowledge Mat

Term 6 Knowledge Mat


Year 6 Welcome Meeting

Please click to see information shared during our meet and greet meeting.


Most Recent Newsletters:

Term 5

Term 6



Our Learning 

MYG Netball

Miers Court’s cup team did a fantastic job at the Netball Mini Youth Games. Despite the weather, they all showed amazing resilience and teamwork skills. They were an absolute credit to our school and should be very proud of what they achieved today. Well done ⭐️

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Year 6 have been really enjoying their time with Mrs Halls in PE this term. The children have been practising their core stability exercises to perform different counter-tension and counter-balance partner work. Look at how impressive their counter-balance shapes are! 

Victorian Day

As part of Year 6's topic, the children had the opportunity to take part in Victorian Day.  The children experienced what it would have been like for a Victorian child in school. Lessons included chanting tables, reciting prayers, handwriting, exercise drills and exploring artefacts.

Did you know that every time an adult entered the classroom, Victorian children were expected to stand silently, greet the adult and weren’t allowed to sit until they were told to do so? Even nails and shoes were inspected! The children then compared schooling past and present.

The Year 6 team were really impressed with the effort made and enjoyed getting into character too! 












Remembrance Day

As part of Y6's English lessons, the children have been exploring some well-known World War One poetry. They used these as inspiration for our own.

Year 6 then presented these in their own assembly to Years 2, 3, 4 and 5 to explain the importance of 11th November and why we wear poppies.

National Poetry Day 

As part of National Poetry Day, Year 6 were set the challenge to link their learning of 'Pig Heart Boy' to writing a poem of their own. Firstly, the children shared examples of different types of poetry before creating a word bank. Some children decided to use their word bank to create an acrostic poem, others found pairs of rhyming words to create a narrative poem and some even created a haiku. The team were really impressed with the emotive language that came across in their writing. Well done Year 6!


CPR training 

Year 6 had the fantastic opportunity to receive CPR training from Emma and her team from Medway Hospital. The children were taught how to put someone in the recovery position and, if not breathing, how to do CPR. They were then shown how to use a defibrillator.

The children said:

‘I now know how to put someone in the recovery position’

‘The CPR lesson was very enjoyable; I now feel more confident doing it’

‘I really liked today because I learnt something new, and I now know what to do if someone collapses and needs my help’

‘It was fun to learn CPR, but it could also help me save someone’s life’






Rock Star Day!

For the school's relaunch of Times Table Rock Stars, Year 6 had a day full of Maths (fit for a rock star!). The team were so impressed with the children's efforts and their enthusiasm was amazing.

The children wrote and performed their own times table songs, battled it out on TTRS and then listened to a super performance from some of their peers. 

In Our Hands

As a school, we have focused our first few weeks of the school year on a text called ‘In Our Hands’. It focusses on the world being drained of colour until a group of determined children grow a seed of hope that inspires everyone to come together to rebuild a colourful future.

Every year group looked at different snapshots from the text and produced some wonderful artwork and written work based around this. Here is Year 6's corridor display!


Useful Links

Below, you can find a number of useful links to help support your child's learning:

Useful Links

Year 6 News 

P.E days are on Tuesdays (outdoor - taught by an external coach) and Thursdays (indoor).

Children are to wear suitable P.E kits into school on these days.

For Term 4, Year 6 will have the opportunity to be taught by an external coach - Mrs Halls.