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Welcome to Year R!

In Year R, we have two classes: Dragonfly Class and Bumblebee class. The teachers are Mrs Doherty (EYFS and KS1 Lead) in Bumblebee Class and Mrs Watson and Mrs Young in Dragonfly Class. The Learning Support Assistants are Mrs Kent-Smith, Mrs Deo and Miss Ridley.  




Below is some information to support parents with phonics. 

Phase 2 Sounds

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Phase 3 Sounds

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Phase 5 Sounds

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WOW, So Proud!

Below are downloadable Bumblebee and Dragonfly WOW templates. Are you proud of your child for something they have done recently? Please write it on a bumblebee or dragonfly and send it into school so we can share it in class and celebrate your child! 


Our Learning

Pirate Day

Our pirate day was a huge success. Children came to school dressed as pirates and looked fantastic! They took part in a variety of activities including; walking the plank, treasure hunts, reading pirate stories, playing dodge the cannon ball and 'fish, fish shark' and so much more!


Earth Day

Look at these amazing creations our children have produced at home linked to our learning for Earth Day. We are so impressed with their efforts. We have been talking about the importance of trying to stop plastic waste entering our oceans and will be learning more about this next term.


Bumblebee Assembly

Well done to Bumblebees for your first class assembly. The children spoke clearly and confidently into the microphone, sang beautifully and even did some acting. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to watch, we hope you enjoyed hearing about all the learning and seeing some fantastic artwork.


We have been learning all about traditional stories and part of our learning involved the story Jack and the Beanstalk. The children planted their own magic beans to grow their own beanstalks at home and have been updating the progress through Tapestry. Some of them have grown so tall so we obviously have some green-fingered Year R children! 

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Book Week

We had a fantastic book week sharing our school focus book 'Wild'. We painted wolves, talked about the characters, dressed up as our favourite character and paraded on the KS2 playground, swapped classes with year 4 to read together, made story and character hats and even made potato book buddies! It was a fun and busy successful week!



Well done to all the children for their Nativity performance. They worked so hard with their rehearsals, looked fantastic in their costumes, sang beautifully and were very brave to get up on stage in front of all the parents in the audience. Well done superstars!

Christmas Jumper Day!

We all enjoyed wearing our Christmas jumpers to school to raise money for 'Save the children'. 


The children made Christingles, we lit them and listened to some calming music for reflection time.

Autumn walk 

We went for a walk around our school grounds to see if we could spot any signs of autumn. We found pine cones, chestnut cases, conkers, red, yellow, brown and orange leaves, different sized twigs, some acorns and more! We brought back lots of objects to explore further, talking about what they look, feel and smell like. Children are now going to be on the lookout for signs of autumn as they walk to and fro school.


Balance bike sessions 

We have been lucky enough to have three balance bike sessions with Kerry. The children have learnt how to walk, run and glide with their bikes, negotiate space, ride to music and follow different instructions. They enjoyed playing games on their bikes and had a fantastic time. All children have been lucky enough to be awarded a special certificate to celebrate their achievements!


Exploring our school environment 

The children have had lots of fun exploring our school environment and everything on offer. They have been to the library, had a walk around the school, investigated the indoor and outdoor spaces, navigated the interactive whiteboards and got involved with everything on offer. 


Super Proud!

We are very proud of how well the children have settled into school. They have learnt so much already, from where to put their belongings, to successfully carrying their lunch trays, to learning how to share with lots of other children, making friends, lining up, finding our way to the toilets and back and so much more. There is so much to learn from day one, and we are very proud of every single bumblebee and dragonfly!

A few photographs of our wonderful setting!

We are very much looking forward to welcoming all the new children to Miers Court. Keep an eye on this page for updates of our learning and how the children are getting on!


Useful Links

Below, you can find a number of useful links to help support your child's learning:

Useful Links

Oxford Owl

Here you can find further information about reading for pleasure, supporting readers, reading at school, eBook library and an online book shop:

Year R News